What Causes Sleep Apnea?

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

winter park sleep apnea

We offer unique diagnostic options and treatments for sleep apnea, so people can obtain a good night’s rest again and feel more refreshed during the day. But what causes sleep apnea to develop, and when should you see your team? Our sleep clinic in Winter Park, FL, discusses the common causes and warning signs of sleep apnea!

The Factors Behind Sleep Apnea

A number of factors could increase the risk of sleep apnea, such as a large neck circumference, deviated septum, sinus or allergy issues, sleeping on your back, and obesity. While the disorder can occur in patients of all ages and genders, men 55 and older tend to have a higher risk. With the disorder, while you sleep airflow is cut off by the collapse of soft tissues in the throat and rear of your mouth. You stop breathing until the brain registers the sudden drop in oxygen and wakes you. Even if you don’t remember this occurring, it could interrupt your REM sleep several times a night, so you are sleep deprived even if you feel you rested well.

The Warning Signs and Complications

People with this disorder often snore nightly, wake up with dry mouth, or wake multiple times in the night choking or gasping for air. During the day, headaches, moodiness, exhaustion, and even issues with concentration or memory could occur. Don’t ignore these possible warning signs, come see our team right away. Otherwise, the disorder could impact your work performance, your social life, and even stress your immune system to make more frequent illness possible. There could even be stress on your cardiovascular system to boost the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and even stroke and heart attack. Schedule a visit to see our team for a diagnosis, so we can help you enjoy a better night’s rest.

Starting Your Treatment Process

Our team could conduct a diagnosis, quizzing you about symptoms and risk factors, and even offering an at-home sleep test to assess your risk from the comfort of your own bed. If we find you have a sleep disorder, we could offer a CPAP alternative in the form of an oral appliance, one that fits comfortably like a mouthguard and helps improve how well you breathe at night. If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat this disorder, then contact our team today. We want to help you feel more refreshed when you wake up each day!

See Our Winter Park Team for Sleep Apnea Solutions

We want to help you enjoy better sleep and a better quality of life too! To learn more about how to improve your ability to sleep, call Healthy Sleep Solutions in Winter Park, FL, at (407) 457-5337 today!